Along with hundreds of volunteers, we assembled more than 1,200 emergency preparedness kits for local families in honor of 9/11 Days of Service and Remembrance. An annual tradition for United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, 9/11 Days of Service and Remembrance is an opportunity for our community to remember and honor the victims and heroes of September 11.
Held at Salvation Army, more than 350 volunteers helped United Way staff create emergency preparedness kits. Volunteers gave more than 650 hours of their time for this project with more than 50 local corporations, churches, universities or schools lending a hand. Each kit consisted of items important during an emergency like flashlights, snacks, first-aid kits and more.
With support from United Way Worldwide and AmeriCorps, the event served as a tribute to the victims, first responders and everyone who has risen to service to defend our freedom.
“Hopefully, we never have to use them but we are ready to go if we do,” said Sylvia Zamarripa, one of the volunteers. “I am a veteran, so it really means a lot to support our community like this.”
The emergency preparedness kits were distributed to families in need by United Way Safety Net Impact Partners including Catholic Charities Archdiocese of San Antonio, Good Samaritan Community Services, Meals on Wheels San Antonio, SA Hope Center, Salvation Army, Seton Home, St. Peter – St. Joseph Children’s Home, Texas Diaper Bank and the THRU Project.
Why is it important to be prepared in case of an emergency? Forty-one percent of people say they’re not prepared for a natural disaster. Especially in lower-income households, emergency preparedness is a challenge. Households with incomes from $40,000 to $80,000 are 20% less likely to be prepared for a disaster than those earning more than $80,000. Households earning under $40,000 are the most likely of all income groups to not be prepared at all for a disaster.
Anyone can experience a crisis at any given moment, like job loss, food insecurity or natural disaster. The ripple effect felt by individuals suffering from these sudden life events can be long-lasting and inhibit their ability to maintain economic and personal stability. United Way’s Safety Net Impact Area provides emergency and disaster care services to meet people’s most immediate needs.
Categories: Volunteer |