Alamo Quality Pathway - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County

The Alamo Quality Pathway is a partnership between United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, Education Service Center, Region 20 and Workforce Solutions Alamo that aims to assist child care centers as they work to reach Texas Rising Star (TRS) certification and increase the quality of education their children receive.

Alamo Quality Pathway will provide early childhood education centers with unique and individualized coaching, mentoring and support to prepare them for the state assessor’s evaluation process. This will ensure that there is as little interruption as possible to the crucial state subsidies they receive, reducing the impact this could have on the families they serve.


Child Care Tax Exemption

United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County proudly advocated for tax relief for our community’s child care centers and is thrilled to see both the City of San Antonio and Bexar County pass tax exemptions for qualifying licensed child care centers.

To learn about the qualifying criteria for the tax exemption and how to apply for property tax exemption, click here.

To access the tax exemption form from the Bexar County Appraisal District, you may visit the website or click the button below to download the form.

Note: There are different forms depending if you rent or own the child care center.

Why do we need the Alamo Quality Pathway?

90% of a child’s brain is developed by the age of five. The child care industry is critical workforce support, empowering our community’s families to go to work while their young children develop in quality learning environments.

In 2021, the Texas Legislature passed HB 2607 into law, making Texas Rising Star (TRS) certification required for all child care centers in the State to continue receiving state subsidies. All child care Centers were given the deadline of September 30, 2024, to attain at least two-star TRS level.

Many directors of child care centers do not know or understand the process of becoming Texas Rising Star (TRS) certified. The process of applying for and obtaining TRS certification can be intimidating for child care centers, many already struggling with retaining staff and rising costs. Many centers may believe the process to become certified is expensive; however, funding is available through Alamo Quality Pathway that can mitigate these costs.

Without state subsidies, early learning centers will be forced to raise their prices in low-income areas, reduce availability or close altogether. Our community and children deserve quality early childhood education.

Our work will continue long after the 2024 deadline as we help uplift these child care centers and work toward quality child care that is accessible and attainable for all.

Alamo Quality Pathway

Three Steps to Quality, Accessible Child Care
  • Step 1 - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar CountyAlamo Quality Pathway - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County

    Step 1

    Alamo Quality Pathway Coach
    Alamo Quality Pathway Coaches collaborate with the Child Care Director and Texas Rising Star (TRS) Mentor to develop a coaching plan for the child care center’s quality pathway.
  • Step 2 - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar CountyAlamo Quality Pathway - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County

    Step 2

    Texas Rising Star Mentor
    The Alamo Quality Pathway Coaches and TRS Mentor provide ongoing support to the child care center in preparation for submitting their TRS application.
  • Step 3 - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar CountyAlamo Quality Pathway - United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County

    Step 3

    Sustainable Quality
    After TRS certification, child care centers remain part of the Alamo Quality Pathway to sustain and improve quality, including support for two and three-star centers to earn a four-star certification which will increase their level of state subsidies.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Alamo Quality Pathway is a partnership between United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County, Region 20 and Workforce Solutions Alamo.

In 2021, the Texas Legislature passed HB 2607 into law, making Texas Rising Star (TRS) certification required for all child care centers in the State to continue receiving state subsidies.

All child care centers were given the deadline of September 30, 2024, to attain at least a two-star TRS level.

Without state subsidies, early learning centers will be forced to raise their prices in low-income areas, reduce availability or close altogether.

Texas Rising Star certification can take as little as three to twelve months, possibly a little bit more depending on each center’s individualized needs.

To learn more about the TRS guidelines, visit

Child care centers can reach out to United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County via email at to be connected to the Alamo Quality Pathway.

  • 350 +

    child care centers in Bexar County currently do not have TRS certification
  • 67 %

    of child care centers in Bexar County are at-risk of losing state subsidies without TRS certification

What Child Care Centers Are Saying

  • Converse Christian School and Early Learning Center
    TRS Four-Star Certified
    “The fear is valid but there are resources out there through United Way, they will literally hold your hand through the process.” — Tylane Barnes, CEO and Director
  • Learning Tree Academy
    Currently on the Alamo Quality Pathway
    “I’ve had parents pay me in pennies, nickels and dimes – that loose change they had in their couch – to pay for that tuition to keep their children in daycare.” — Kumari Tapiador, Owner
  • Converse Christian School and Early Learning Center
    TRS Four-Star Certified
    “About 70% of our kids receive child care subsidies, 20% receive subsidies from the military and I only have 10% of children with private-paid parents.” — Tylane Barnes, CEO and Director
  • SAISD Learning Center
    Support Is Here For You
    "The journey of becoming a TRS vendor can be daunting but knowing I have my very own support team through our TRS mentors and the Alamo Quality Pathway makes this journey attainable." — Ruth Trevino-Miller, Director

Child Care Dashboard Instructions

The Child Care Dashboard is designed for viewing on a desktop/laptop.

For the best experience maximize the view by selecting the “Full Screen” button in the lower right corner of the dashboard.